Class Picture

Class Picture

Tuesday, September 25, 2012

Hopes and Dreams

Before writing our classroom rules we brainstormed what we all want to be able to do in Kindergarten.  We talked about the endless opportunities we will encounter, the variety of subjects we will learn and individualized this and shared with one another many different ideas. We listened to our own ideas and those of Mrs. Wrigley's classmates.  Students discussed what they thought was meant by a hope and dream at school. To complete this activity which we have been working on over the last week, we decided to illustrate and share just 1 hope and dream that we want to accomplish in the next few months while at school.  Many of us had different ideas, although there seemed to be a common theme of learning how to read!  Throughout this activity, which is based on the Responsive Classroom, we have built a stronger community that is learning how to listen, respect, and share ideas.  I look forward to sharing their hopes and dreams and hearing more about yours next month!