Class Picture

Class Picture

Thursday, September 6, 2012

Fire Drill

You may have heard about our pre-practice fire drill yesterday from your child.  Today, however was the 'real' fire drill, complete with the extremely loud alarm and the entire school. I was amazed at how well each of your children did remembering the rules we learned yesterday regarding fire drill safety.  INQUIRE with your child what they have to remember and why?

Each child earned a hoot for having self-control and showing cooperation.  Our school rules state that all children use Cooperation, Assertion, Responsibility, Empathy, and Self-Control.  We are slowly working on learning what each of these words mean and how to follow these specific rules around the school building. UES is focused on positive beahvior supports and all adults at our school acknowledge students when they are seen following these rules.  When noticed, the adult will state the behavior observed and honor them with a hoot - which will be placed in a nest (occupied by an owl).  We work hard to fill this nest and have heard that "Screech" (our school mascot) will come to congratulate us when we reach 100! (More on this later.)