Class Picture

Class Picture

Friday, October 5, 2012

New Rest Format

Instead of lying down/sitting on blankets, we have changed the format of our 10-15 minute after lunch quiet time.  This group has shown me that as a group, they don't enjoy...need....want... whatever it may time.  Although other classes are continuing in the same format as initially described during home visits, our class will be spending this time doing quiet drawing, reading, or listening to stories at a table.  If students prefer, they are welcome to relax on the carpet.  Students can talk quietly and are encouraged to relax or make a quiet choice.  You may have heard that your child "watched t.v." today....however our new ceiling mounted projector has been installed and we began to use it in the classroom (some children thought they were watching t.v.!)  Today during rest time as children colored, they were given an opportunity to listen to a story read through the program, One More Story.  One More Story is an online library of children's illustrated books set to music and read aloud.  This program is very similar to a book on tape or cd, however the pictures are shown on the screen.  INQUIRE with your child what story we heard today!  Later in the year, children will use this program during Daily 5 if they make the choice of Listening.