Many times throughout the year, our class has engaged in an activity called interactive writing. Both reading and writing are practiced while engaged in this activty. We have written letters together, lists, procedures, and a variety of other forms of writing. During this activity, the students and myself share the pen to produce the piece, continuouslly re-reading throughout. By the end of the writing, all children are able to read it fluently on their own. Differentiation is able to happen during this activity, as students may be writing their own name, a beginning sound, a sight word, or an entire word. The skills of all children range and it is important that opportunities are given for each student to be challenged at his or her own level. All these writing pieces are about an authentic experience the class has had, a classroom rule, a response to a text, or a piece about our current unit of study. INQUIRE with your child what they like best about fall!