Class Picture

Class Picture

Wednesday, October 3, 2012

E.C.O. Outing

Today children ventured out with a buddy from Mrs. Wrigley's class for our first Educating Children Outdoors (ECO) morning at Harrison Field. The focus of ECO is for children to explore nature in a natural learning environment through integrated lessons that engage their five senses. Children learn more about living things, develop a sense of place in our school and greater community, and learn to care about and for natural spaces. We will be traveling with a variety of kindergarten classrooms throughout the year. Children will have an opportunity to establish both new and old friendships. 

Our morning meeting activity engaged students in using "Raccoon Touch" their gentle hands and fingers to touch an object from nature hidden under a cloth on our nature museum. Each child shared their thinking with the group about the type of objects they felt, and what they could be. 

After everyone had a chance to explore and share, we discussed the object shapes and attributes then revealed the hidden material - exciting! INQUIRE with your child what was hidden under the cloth!

After meeting, children learned the Three Cares. These are principals to guide explorations, lessons and student behaviors during ECO outings. Your child can teach them to you, and show you the hand motions that connect with each. "We take care of ourselves. We take care of each other. We take care of our community."

We prepared backpacks with our snacks and water bottles. Each child put on rain boots, rain coats, rain pants and a big smile to head outside...Although many children were prepared with outdoor rainy clothing, many had to borrow from our school supply of rain gear. Although we can often find enough for everybody, it is helpful for children to have their own clothing - it makes them feel comfortable - and it often fits much better! Of course, we're flexible and don't mind equipping your child but INQUIRE with your child about what would work best for them. Please also look for a schedule of outdoor days to come home and post those in a handy place to help your family remember!

 Our class enjoyed partnering with a peer from Miss Closter's group - even a wet morning walk and outing couldn't dampen our spirits for ECO today! 

 Students learned the sound of the drum is a signal to create a single circle, and prepare to listen for directions for a lesson, game and upcoming exploration. Children also learned how to "Fox Walk" so we can all take care of the Earth below our feet, and be silent walkers to become our best observers and listeners to nature.

Children learned and played an active and engaging game: Hawks and Birds. INQUIRE with your child how this game is played.  Did they play the role of predator or prey?

We enjoyed a snack together on a soggy ground. Backpacks make great sit-upons and kept students dry while eating in the field today.

We took an adventure into Harrison Forest to practice using Fox Walking, Owl Eyes and Deer Ears. Each student was asked to collect something they thought was beautiful and/or interesting and bring it back to the field with their group for a whole class sharing circle. 
                       Fox Walking                           Deer Ears                               Owl Eyes

We closed our lesson and outing to Harrison Field and Forest with a sharing and thanksgiving circle, and each child talked about their special object from nature and returned it to nature. We then said thank you and goodbye to the field and forest for the day.