Class Picture

Class Picture

Monday, October 14, 2013

Writer's Workshop

Throughout the year, students have been engaged in small moment narrative writing.  As you will hear during your conference, students have been focusing on orally telling their story before beginning to write.  This oral practice is really important to help them structure their story with a beginning, middle and end.  Students are then encouraged to add a rough sketch to help them remember their planned story before writing.  As children stretch their words across the paper, use word walls, and write words from memory, detailed stories have emerged.  Along the way, students have worked with a peer to help them revise each story.  While working together, children ask questions of one another's stories to help them realize what is missing.  We are working so hard to be just like, 'George McClements' and author who writes a small moment story and to maybe - one day - get our books published on the shelves of Bear Pond! All children are beginning to add details into their narratives, include connecting words, and have a clear beginning, middle, and exciting end to their stories.  We are learning how writers and readers do similar things and continue to make connections during reading and writing.  As we published our stories last week and added color, students made sure they could reread their small moment.  INQUIRE with your child why it is so important to reread!