Class Picture

Class Picture

Thursday, October 24, 2013

Leaf Observers

Scientists were looking closely outside in Harrison Forest today.  After learning about how to closely observe leaves in the classroom through the book, Fall Walk, Awesome Autumn and many others, we set out to find leaves in Harrison Forest.  We not only found leaves, but looked closely at their color, edges, veins, shape, etc to make predictions about what tree they came from.  Students journaled in their sit spots and answered many questions as they explored the ground around them.  Following this activity, children participated in an activity called, "Hug a Tree" where they were able to closely look at the bark on a tree in a blindfolded partner activity.  Before snack, students played a fun game in the field about a tree who did not want it's leaves on it for winter.  The children on the other hand, wanted the leaves to be put back! This game helped us practice fox walking and the importance of moving slowly and quietly through the forest when looking for animals.  Although a bit chilly, all students had an enjoyable morning. PLEASE help your child be prepared on these days by helping them dress for cold temperatures!  (go to blog to view slideshow)