Class Picture

Class Picture

Wednesday, October 9, 2013

Healthy Competition and Learning Empathy

I wanted to inform you of some ongoing problem solving we have been having with our motivated soccer players during all recesses during the school day.  Every day, your child is eager to play pick up soccer games (not one recess has gone by without playing) and is having a great time doing so!  Many days, they have taken on some 2nd and 3rd graders and have no problem keeping up!  Of course, along with fun, come some challenges.  Each day, we problem solve what has gone well and what is challenging.  I would encourage all of you to bring up the conversation of 'soccer' and have your child discuss with you the joys as well of the challenges the game brings.  I think the consistent communication between home and school regarding fair play and sportsmanship around this game will be the most helpful. We will continue to work with your child during their recess, but we also encourage you to do the same.  

Thanks for encouraging empathy while playing competitive sports at school! 

INQUIRE with your child what they learned from, Howard B. Wigglebottom!