Class Picture

Class Picture

Monday, May 6, 2013


Last week, students were immersed with poetry.  Students used their ears to listen, their minds to visualize, and their heart to feel.  We heard poems from famous children's poets - Shel Silverstein and Jack Prelutzky and many more.  We learned about how poets sometimes tell stories in a shorter way and like to use rhyme and rhythym in their writing.  We spent a lot of time working on the reading strategy of 'checking for understanding,' visualizing,' and 'retelling' as we heard a variety of poems.  As we made movies inside our heads as we listened to poetry, students made illustrations to show the important idea of the poem.  Some students took a stab at reading poetry - individually and in partners.  Some were surprised to learn that familiar nursery rhymes are considered poetry. This week we will begin writing poetry about animals and next week about caring for the earth.