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Class Picture

Saturday, May 25, 2013

Bye-Bye, Chicks!

On Monday and Tuesday night, a handful of chicks broke out of their shells and were welcomed by their Kindergarten friends.  This week, students learned about how to care for chicks and what they need in order to survive.  Students enjoyed talking with the chicks and even reading them stories during library time on Friday.  We spent a lot of time observing what the chicks look like and how they are responding to their new environment outside the egg.  On Friday, we said goodbye, and wished them well - a Kindergarten family from Mrs. Dostie's class has brought them home to their chicken farm.

During literacy this week, we continued to journal and learn more about life of a chicken on a farm. We read a range of "Little Red Hen" stories and responded to various prompts.  Children are being encouraged to listen carefully to the question and come up with a resposne that directly answers the question.  They are also learning how to stay on topic while expanding their thoughts with multiple sentences.  Most children are just learning how to include various forms of punctuation and are working on pinpointing when to use a period verse an exclamation point and a question mark. Students also spent some time imagining they were a chicken and thought about what they would say when they first hatched out of the egg.  Kindergartners wrote their thoughts in a speech bubble and created some chicken art.

In math, we continued to work on solving chick number stories and also spent some time creating our own chicken number stories. Next week, we'll solve these number stories in multiple ways.