Class Picture

Class Picture

Monday, May 6, 2013

Number Stories

Last week, kindergartners solved and then created their own frog number stories.  Students have been working on understanding number stories and thinking about the most important information.  They have been focusing on the information given and also the question asked. Once they have pinpointed this information, students set out to solve the problem - through pictures and words.  Students write and draw their thinking and try to put as much information to 'prove' their answer. Students have been learning how important it is for mathematicians to do this - and how just knowing the answer is not enough.  These frog number stories engage children in solving addition and subtraction problems in a sophisticated manner.  After working on six different frog number stories and solving each one, each child made their own number story about frogs.  INQUIRE with your child what their number story was?  Tell your child a story from your own life and have them solve it.  Ex. If each member of our family needs a fork, spoon, and knife at dinner, how many utensils will be on the table all together?