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Class Picture

Thursday, November 21, 2013

Independent Project

 Where in the World?
Optional Independent Project

Thank you for supporting your first grader’s interest learning through independent projects this school year. We will continue to explore the concept of place through our social studies unit about community. We have been to walking to different places in our community and students are making connections and learning about point of view. We are beginning to identify important landmarks, and key features of our school community and our downtown community. Students are mapping their local world!

Our new independent project will give your child an opportunity to think about maps, and the places they’ve visited, or wish to visit someday. This project is also optional and can be done as a family or individual.

Here’s what we would like to have included in the final project. Your child can present it any way they choose. We would like to see students demonstrate the following components:

1. Choose any place you have been, or wish to visit, that can be found on a map (Montpelier, Hubbard Park, Montreal, your house/backyard, office building or structure, waterway, vacation destination, etc.)
2. Get a map of the location or make a map of the location  (print from the internet, Chamber of Commerce, photos, etc.)
3. Label the place or places on the map, include landmarks.
4. Include why you visited, who you saw or what you did, and some interesting facts about the place (photos, drawings, labels, fact bullets or charts)
5. Recall, then retell the visit with your family so you can share your story with the classmates
6. Have fun!

If you have any questions about this project, please send us an e-mail! Enjoy learning with your child.

The First Grade Team

*Please note that projects are due by December 13th, but if finished sooner, please send it in.