Class Picture

Class Picture

Tuesday, November 12, 2013

Final Small Moment

The last two weeks during writing, students have been studying writer's craft.  We used books by Mo Willems, George McClements, Linda Urban, Jennifer Berne, and Ragnihild Scamell to get ideas for our own writing. We used the analogy of how people study professional baseball players (world series was going on) to get good at playing baseball and writers need to study books to get good at writing their own.  We found examples of POP out words, ellipses, and exact actions in each of these stories and put them in our own writing.  As we get ready to publish these stories this week, students are focusing on revising and editing one small moment.  INQUIRE with your child what the difference between revising and editing looks like.  On Friday, our class will celebrate our final small moment publication! We will store these books in our own classroom library for awhile so be sure to stop in and read this piece of writing at some point!