Class Picture

Class Picture

Thursday, October 9, 2014

Sharing Reminder

A reminder note that went home a few weeks ago about sharing....
I've loved all the news we hear from children each day and also hearing/seeing that special picture/item from home!  Please read this over and remember to help your child be prepared - and not bring toys!

Dear Families,

     We are going to begin the sharing component of our Morning Meeting next week. Here is an overview of morning meeting, and what you/your child can expect from sharing.
     To start meeting time we often begin with a song, then children greet each other by name. Sometimes, “Good morning” is passed around the circle. Other days we may pass a handshake or a “high five.” Every day, your child begins the day by hearing his or her name called out by a classmate in a friendly and cheerful manner.
     Next, children have a chance to share some news of interest with the class. Usually four children share each day. Sharing might be about a visit to a grandparent, store, library or friend’s house. It might be sharing a special rock from a collection, or a special happening with a friend or sibling. After the child shares, he or she asks classmates in the circle, “Are there any questions?” In the conversation that follows children learn much about each other, especially respect for someone else’s ideas. Please help your child to be prepared to share on his or her sharing day. Also, help your child remember to not bring toys, stuffed animals, or cars to school for sharing. Sharing will begin the week of September 22nd.  
     After sharing, there is an activity for the whole class. Some days it might be singing, or learning a poem. Other days it might be a game. The activity time helps the class feel their strength as a group. They learn how to cooperate and solve problems. They can have fun and learn a lot together.
     The last part of the meeting time is called News and Announcements. Children read a message from the chart with a preview of the day’s activities, and reading the day’s schedule. Ask your child about meeting. It is one of the favorite parts of our Kindergarten day!          
      Jill Closter

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Sharing Schedule

Monday- Abby, Ason, Chase
Tuesday-Charlotte, Dean, Indy
Wednesday- Lily, Lizzy, Miles, Nora
Thursday- Orion, Wesley, Will, Zoe