Class Picture

Class Picture

Monday, October 13, 2014

Firefighter Presentation

Today, children learned some important fire safety skills. With a lesson from four Montpelier Firefighters, students learned what "is hot and what is not" by identifying items they should not touch because they could be hot, or start a fire. For example, coffee cups, lighters or matches are not for children to touch. The firefighters also demonstrated what a fire alarm sounds like when it is detecting smoke or a fire, and what to do - "get out of the building, and stay out of the building!" We even heard about what it is like for fireman to get ready to go to a fire. Because it's such a obscure and scary uniform that they wear -with all the gadgets and layers, your children received exposure to the outfit so in case of an emergency, they won't be scared if a firefighter comes to help!  Students were also able to practicing crawling low in case there was smoke and rolling in case there was a fire on their clothing.  Some students shared their "family fire plan" and others look forward to making one with you.  INQUIRE with your child what this may look like and then make a plan for your family in case there was a fire - where would you meet outside of your home?   INQUIRE with your child about the fire safety skills they learned, and how you might go about making your home safe from a fire.