Class Picture

Class Picture

Wednesday, October 22, 2014


Every day students practice and review letter names and sounds, and then blend sounds to read words.  We continue to practice high frequency words that have appeared in many books your child is reading.  Each day, these skills are practiced and learning is extended through many word work activities such as listening for sounds in words during songs, sorting pictures based on sound, and practicing handwriting.  You can practice letters, sounds, and blending with consonant, vowel, consonant words at home.  More ideas will be sent home with you at parent teacher conferences.  Have fun!  

Each day, readers continue to READ, READ, READ.  WE LOVE READING!  Each day, students continue to learn and practice a variety of reading behaviors and are increasing their stamina every day.  During conferences you'll get a "book bag."  Inside this book bag are books your child has practiced over and over again.  I encourage families to help their child find their own book box to keep these books in and find time to read, read, read, EVERY DAY!  Have fun!