Class Picture

Class Picture

Thursday, September 18, 2014

Writer's Workshop

Since the first day of school, your child has taken on a new role - that of a writer. Each day we've learned how writer's get started, how to come up with a topic, how to visualize, have practiced story telling with a partner, and every day - putting those stories onto paper with drawings and words.  Each child has learned that they are all writers - and that writer write what they know to share stories and teach other people about what they know.  This week, many students began adding words to tell more about their story.  In September for Kindergarteners, this may look like a label in their picture, or words on the bottom that the child has stretched out and wrote.  Much attention is spent on helping the children believe that they are independent "can do" writers.  We are encouraging children to do their best guess spelling - which often looks like just one sound or a few sounds from the word.  If your child is writing at home, encourage this best guess spelling. Tell them to say the word slowly, and write the sounds they hear on their paper.  Always telling them exactly how to spell words instills a belief in children that they can't write.  Thanks for helping your children at home develop independent writing habits!  You'll be amazed as the weeks progress how quickly they begin to develop their story telling and writing skills!  INQUIRE with your child what their story was about today!