Class Picture

Class Picture

Tuesday, September 30, 2014

Apple Orchard

 We were so lucky for such perfect apple picking weather - not too cold, not too hat. This morning we  enjoyed the crisp air, beautiful views, laughter, fun, and apples at the orchard. We have just about completed our study of butterflies and will be moving on to learn about the life cycle of an apple tree. Mr. Brees, the owner of the orchards gave us a brief overview of the apple trees (INQUIRE with your child how you know an apple is ripe!) and then we all set off to pick apples. Upon returning to the classroom, we will think about which senses we used throughout the trip and make a graph of things we smelled, tasted, heard, saw, and touched while on our field trip. Over the next few weeks, we will be learning more about our five senses and the life cycle of an apple tree. We will be exploring apples though cooking, dissection, read-alouds, and many more activities.
Thank you to Leah, Julie, Josh, John, and Leon for accompanying us on our trip. We appreciate having extra adults available to guide children through the orchard!