I hope all families enjoy their snow day today. Please help your child be prepared to come to school on Wednesday with snowpants, boots, hats, and mittens. Despite the calendar saying it'll be the first day of spring, it's still chilly, wet, and messy outside. Until further notice, please ALWAYS send in snowpants, hats, mittens, etc to school. Especially with the snow, and when that starts to melt, it becomes quite wet and muddy out on the playground. The children thoroughly enjoy every minute of their 20 minutes outdoors and none the less, get soaked! Please help your child feel comfortable and dry for the remainder of the day. Although children can change after returning indoors, this often creates interruptions to their day. Thanks for helping your child be best prepared for the school day!
Also, on Wednesdsay, we will be reading Dr. Seuss' "Wacky Wednesday." Your child is encouraged to dress in a wacky way...perhaps 2 different shoes, crazy hair, mismatched clothing, etc. Be creative!