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Class Picture

Thursday, March 7, 2013

Parent's Group Meeting

Wednesday, March 13, 2013
Union School Cafeteria
The Parents Group holds a meeting during the second week of every month (except December and June) to bring parents together to hear about and discuss pertinent topics and to report on the workings of the Parents Group. This month's topic will be:
The Writing Curriculum
Is grammar taught in elementary school? How do students learn to compose, edit, and finish a piece of writing? Is there room for creativity? How do Union Elementary School students perform in writing on the NECAP test? This month, Ginny Zahner, Literacy Coach, will join us to share the writing curriculum at Union School, read examples of student work, and invite parents to engage in some creative writing of their own.
Refreshments and daycare provided
Questions? Call USPG President Vivian Ladd Tomasi at 223-0395