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Class Picture

Sunday, March 10, 2013

Spring Conferences

I would like to schedule a time to meet with you and your child to discuss social and academic progress in Kindergarten. These conferences will follow the UES model of student-led.  For this first conference that will be led by your child, we will provide a lot of support.  Your child will prepare for the conference in several ways during the next two weeks.  At school, we will be reflecting together about individual strengths and weaknesses.  The conference will be a time to celebrate successes, and make collaborative plans for self-improvement.  

You can schedule your conference online.  Please visit to sign up. Once you are on this page, use the following table to sign up for a conference time. Click the EDIT tab and then type your name into the box next to the time you would like for your conference. Once you have entered your name, click on the SAVE button. Please make sure your child is also available for the time you signed up for.

I will send you a confirmation, and a “Hints for Parents to Use at Student-Led Conferences” article.  At this time, we will not be scheduling separate teacher-parent conferences. If you’d like specific information that is not answered at the student-led conferences, please call me and we can discuss your areas of concern over the phone.  

If you have any questions, please let me know!