Class Picture

Class Picture

Wednesday, January 23, 2013

Another delay for THURSDAY...please read!

I was impressed at the agility your children had when dealing with the zig-zag day. Although we had some changes to the routine of our day, the children were mature, flexible, and cooperative with the changing schedule.

And again, 

For Thursday, January 24....

Due to the severe cold that is forecast for our region again Wednesday night and into Thursday morning, Montpelier Public Schools and the District Offices will again be on a 2 hour delay.
Buildings will be open for students at 9:30. Teachers will be in their classrooms from 9:30 on. The school day will begin at 10am. 

Busses for the elementary school students will be making their pick ups two hours later than normally scheduled.  If you do not wish to have your student waiting outside for the bus, the company asks that you place a backpack where your child would normally wait so the driver can know to stop.