On Friday, our buddy class, along with guest teacher, Paul Boffa visited and asked our students to participate in a play with them. They plan to perform this play before winter break and need our help to sing, dance, and help make scenery. Today, students from Wendy's class told us about the story of Old Man Winter and Gluskabe, a tale of the Abenaki people. In the story, Old Man Winter has decided to stay on too long and the humans decide to ask for Gluskabe's help. Gluskabe tricks Old Man Winter and everybody welcomes summer back. Our buddies taught us a song they wrote themselves (with the help of Mr. Boffa). Part of the song is written in the Abenaki language. I was so impressed with the children's persistence in learning this new song and excellent singing voices! Our students look forward to helping the fourth graders out in the upcoming weeks. PLEASE SAVE LARGE CARDBOARD WE CAN USE TO HELP WELCOME SPRING BACK. If you'd like to help make scenery in the upcoming weeks, please let me know!