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Class Picture

Wednesday, January 26, 2011

Reading to End Racism

Today, we had a guest reader, Paul, come to our class to read Dr. Seuss' Sneetches.  Paul volunteers for a program called Reading to End Racism.  This group shares stories, activities, and discussion with kids from all over.  During and after reading the book, Paul raised many questions about the Sneetches.  Dr. Seuss told the story of how a group of star bellied Sneetches were in the "in crowd" while the Sneetches without stars were shunned and very unhappy.  Throughout the book this changed and the Sneetches learned a valuable lesson that neither plain-belly nor star-belly Sneetches are superior, and no matter which one they are, they should get along and be friends.  Your children learned about what prejudiced means and how nobody should treat others based on what they have or by what they look like and instead should get to know the person before assuming things that may not be true.