Class Picture

Class Picture

Friday, January 21, 2011

Fantastic Friday

Our stuffed animal friends and Kindergarten friends had a fabulous, fantastic, festive Friday!  Alanna's Grandma came in for guest reader and kept us engaged and laughing while we listened to a few great books. We then divided up between Mrs. Slesar's third grade room and our classroom for some play time with our buddies. We played games with them, built extraordinary castles and lego contraptions, created art projects, used playdough, and played board games.  It is great to see this bond between the buddies develop as the year progresses.  During library today, Mrs. Frye taught us how to take out just right books from the library and Mrs. Scudder Chase lead us playing the bells.  Ending our morning, we had a popcorn publishing party. Most students read a piece that they have been editing during the last week while the audience munched on a bowl of popcorn.  You can read these in their green folders.  I am amazed at how far they've come.  During the afternoon, we were able to get to the computer lab to use One More Story to listen to stories of our choice.  Congrats also to the stuffies for following all our classroom rules.  They will definitely be welcomed back and we hope to meet some new friends next time.  Don't fret-if your child forgot theirs, friends shared an extra with them so everybody had company!