Class Picture

Class Picture

Wednesday, January 5, 2011

Math this Week

We have redesigned the Kindergarten schedule this week.  We now have Math after lunch and recess and do writer's workshop in the mornings.  During Math this week we have been practicing counting by 5's and continuing perfecting our counting by 10's.  We have also been practicing counting backwards using higher numbers. We continue to learn the days of the week, and talk about the changing weather patterns. In math centers this week, we have learned a new game, count and compare butterflies that focuses on counting and using the math terms more and less.  The kindergartners have been become experts at estimating and are now trying to challenge themselves by grabbing 2 handfuls of counters to estimate.  After making an estimate, the kids lay out their objects on ten frames and practice counting by tens and ones.   We also are making number lines by organizing numbers up to 20 and learning what a trapezoid, hexagon, and rhombus are.  The students continue to make more quilt squares during math to add to a class quilt.