Students have also been working on sharing their thinking and strategies with one another during number corner (calendar). When counting or grouping objects, students are expected to think of a variety of ways to solve. For example, when counting the 14 dots on today's calendar square, students could figure out the amount in a variety of ways. While some may have counted each dot 1 by 1, others noticed it was one more than yesterday, and others noticed 2 groups of 5 equal 10 and then they saw 4 more. A variety of strategies are shared and students are always thinking of "other" ways to solve. When looking at the dots this month on our calendar pieces, students have been provided a basic introduction to number sentences (ie. 10+4=14 and 4 +10=14).
While we continue to practice counting by 10's, our friends are also practicing counting on from a given object - start at 8 and count on, start at 48 and count on, and learning to count backwards - again from a variety of numbers. Math during number corner is often differentiated for individual learners and students are challenged to solve problems and questions geared to their "just right" level. INQUIRE with your child how to play, "Magic Number."
Earlier in the week, students were introduced to the concept of money (in particular a penny) and subtraction. After reading Bennies Pennies, a story about how Benny goes out and starts with 5 cents but keeps buying things for other people. He was soon left with 0 cents. Students made observations of the penny, learned a money song to help us remember the different coins, and also played, "Count and Compare Pennies."