Class Picture

Class Picture

Thursday, December 6, 2012


Handwriting is a key component of our daily routines.  While some days we work with a variety of sensory integrated tools and manipulatives, we also spend a few days working on using a pencil.  During this time, we are learning proper pencil grip, posture, and about what our helping hand does to guide neat writing.  Students spend time working in their handwriting books forming each letter according to the specific lines it sits on and extends to. ALL children are working on perfecting their lower case letters and are expected to write with these lower case letters in their own writing.  INQUIRE with your child what these lines are called and where specific letters start.  If you'd like to provide your child additional support in this important fine motor skill, please use the link below.  The Fundations lines provide children a starting point and guide to forming their letters correctly.  This link will bring you to writing paper for you to use as practice with your child  and this link will provide you with information on how we teach each letter. If you'd like me to print this for you, please let me know. It is a great resource!