This week, our literacy focus has been on expanding our vocabulary while reading and listening to reading. To do this, students have been, "tuning into interesting words." By looking for words that are interesting and unique, children not only increase their vocabulary, but they also enhance their
comprehension. A child must have multiple exposures to a word in order for it to
become a part of his/her vocabulary. INQUIRE with your child what interesting words we have found this week in our reading. What do these words mean?
How can you help your child with this strategy at home?
1. Create a word collector at home to hang on the refrigerator or to keep in a special place. This word collector could be a form that allows your child to keep track of interesting words found in books he/she is reading or listening to.
2. When your child is reading or you are reading to your child, ask your child to find three interesting words. Have your child write these words down and talk about the meaning of these words. See if anyone in your family is able to use the words in a sentence. Add these words to your family word collector.
3. Encourage your child to find interesting words when watching TV or in daily conversation. When tuning in to an interesting word, help your child understand the word and then add it to the family word collector.
Information collected from 2 Sisters: Daily 5