Class Picture

Class Picture

Wednesday, September 7, 2011

Our Favorite Part of First Grade

To close each day, our class comes together to reflect on the day.  We often reflect on the choices we made, the learning that occurred, and determine goals for improvement.  Our class has continued to reflect on their favorite part of the day: MATH!  Who would have thought?! 

Our new math program this year, Bridges, has been an exciting and engaging part of the day.  It is thoroughly integrated into our science objectives and while we are learning all about the calendar, days of the week, counting in groups of ten and learning how to tell time, we are also learning all about insects!  We are currently comparing and contrasting the lives of beetles and butterflies while observing a variety of insects while counting and sorting! 

We launched math centers today where children were able to engage in a guided discovery of unfix cubes, polydrons, pattern blocks, and insects!  Inquire with your child which math center they chose on Thursday and Friday.  What part of "number corner" do they like best?  During this time, the children are also building community by working together, taking turns, listening to one another, and making decisions.