Class Picture

Class Picture

Wednesday, September 7, 2011

Meeting Rules

Over the last few days, our class has been discussing various actions that will help us do the best learning we can. While on our meeting area, where stories are read, lessons are taught, community gatherings and class meetings are held, we decided as a class to create a set of rules to follow when together on the "sun rug."  The students decided that if they listen to their friends with a quiet voice, raise their hand, help their friends, and have calm bodies they will be able to learn a lot from both their peers and teacher. Having these self-created meeting rules helps students set guidelines for themselves so they can do their best job. We practiced what it looks like if we are unable to follow these rules.  In our classroom, everybody has the opportunity to practice, "taking a break."  This opportunity to regain self-control is used routinely in our classroom.  It is not used as a punishment, but is a logical consequence a child receives when disrupting their peers learning.  It is used as an opportunity to take a quiet moment away from the group to review and reflect on rules not followed, to take a few breaths, relax, and calm one's body.  It can be simply referred to an area called the "rest stop."  Later in the week, we will be generating class wide rules.  Stay tuned to find out what the children come up with!  In the meantime, inquire with your child what rules they use when in the meeting area and why their class created these rules!