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Class Picture

Saturday, August 31, 2013

Math Exploration

First grade teachers continue to use Bridges as their math program.  We are working diligently on ensuring that the program is aligned with the Common Core.  Math time in first grade is an exciting time of the day, and often a favorite! This month, our math time is integrated into our science curriculum as we learn about insects.  This week, students have been contrasting the lives of beetles and butterflies while observing, counting, and sorting 100 insects.  During number corner in the morning, students partake in calendar and practice number sense skills.  Each day will also focus on a different concept. For example, Monday's lesssons are always about money and Tuesday's lesson on time.  In the afternoon, students have additional time to explore 'math workplaces.'  This week, the children were engaged in a guided discovery of unifex cubes, polydrons, pattern blocks and insects.  During this time, students explore the materials and learn about the expectations of using the materials in appropriate ways, build community by working together, taking turns, listening to one another, and making academic and social decisions.  INQUIRE with your child which math workplace they chose this week.  What part of "number corner" do they like best?