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Wednesday, August 21, 2013

Late Summer News

Hello Again!

I can't believe the countdown is on!  Just 1 week until school starts (for the kids).  Less than that for me!    I'm still in Rhode Island but have been busy preparing myself for the start of the school year with ordering, planning, and communicating with team members about the start of the school year.  I also just had a nice visit from Mrs. Wrigley and her family on Block Island...and of course, we had our share of school conversations!  I also had a nice visit from my sister who moved to Denver last January.  I'm so happy to be spending so much time with my family out here!  I am also eagerly awaiting my return and am excited to see all your children next Wednesday morning on the lower playground.  A letter was sent the other day to both you and your child with information about the start of the year.  You'll be sure to have much more as well - and don't forgot to check the blog, especially the first few weeks of school about important information.  If you have any questions, feel free to email me - I've been checking a few times a day to stay on top of things.  I'm happy to answer any last minute questions you may have!