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Class Picture

Monday, June 4, 2012

Independent Projects

Many parents are inquiring, "What do I need to do at home to help my child with their independent project?"  Your child is immersing him/herself in their own learning/project time a few afternoons a week at school.  Your child is choosing what they want to learn, what they want to create, and how they want to spend their time. There are no guidelines as to what the learning will look like and be or any expectations as far as a final product. Your child might be spending their entire time curled up in our library immersed in a book, sewing a teddy bear, making diagrams of a bike and its gears, making a fairy house, or even interviewing various teachers around the school to find some answers to their wonders of college. Children are immersed in a variety of projects and are guiding their own learning.  INQUIRE with your child what they have been using this time for. Oh, and don't worry - you don't have to do anything at home with this project. Your child, however, might be so engrossed with the subject that they WANT to engage in this learning at home as well.  ENJOY!