Class Picture

Class Picture

Thursday, March 22, 2012


Our next Nature Adventure/ECO outing in Hubbard Park is this coming Monday, 3/26. We will be
merging with Mrs. Koch's class for a ¾ day learning experience. (9 a.m. – 12:40 p.m.) and returning to school in time for specials.  We will be spending much of the day outside, and we anticipate getting wet from damp forest materials and some mud. The weather could be chilly again, or it could be balmy…. We really need to be prepared with layers. Please be sure your child is prepared for the outdoors with the following:
Comfortable Shoes and clothes
Rain Gear- just in case
A warm jacket  (wear a sweatshirt or fleece underneath for layering)
A baseball/sun hat?
Mittens or gloves?
Water Bottle
LUNCH! We will be bringing our lunch to the park in our backpacks so small lunchboxes that are easier to carry up to the park in our packs work best! 

Chaperones are welcome for the entire outing, or even a portion. Please let me know if you are planning to join us for this adventure.

We will be in a variety of locations, with a variety of stations to support learning about Mapping, and Changes in States of Matter.