Class Picture

Class Picture

Monday, November 5, 2012

Election Day

Over the last few days, students have been learning about the presidential election.  We started with a "what do you know" about two presidential candidates to get a feel for what the children already knew.  We then had many discussions regarding what it is that presidents do and the process in which they get elected.  Students had fun dressing up as the president and thinking about what they would do if they were elected. We have also been reading various fiction books and will have a Kindergarten wide election to choose which character from each of these three books should be president.

Children have been learning about ballots, elections, polling places, keeping your vote confidential, the amount of votes each person can cast and much more. INQUIRE with your child what they know about the presidential election.  And, enjoy this cute little campaign slideshow...who will you vote for?
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