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Friday, April 6, 2012

Recycling at UES

Today we had an assembly  we learned  about  Recycling in the big  gym. We had guests who  are experts on Recycling. We also learned about people in our school who are helping. - written by Alanna and Ben

As Alanna and Ben shared with us, our school joined together in an all school assembly to congratulate and extend our thanks to those people in our school who have helped take a part in making the earth a better place.  Melissa Pierce's Fifth Graders have been working diligently around the school ensuring all students (and teachers too) are disposing, recycling, and composting the correct materials.  They also did some research on the amount of materials our school throws away and realized that paper towels took up most of our trash! These students then worked with our custodian director, Todd Keller and with VT Solid Waste Management District to figure out a solution.   Mr. Vilaseca, VT Education Commissioner, awarded the 5th Grade class and our special Union Elementary School with the honor of being the first school in Vermont and the United States to offer complete (closed-loop) recycling. The Power of Three uses 100% recycled paper towels - the paper towels in our school will be separated and then shipped to a company that turns the paper towels back into products directly used by our school. Thanks to Melissa and her class for making this happen!

Pictures taken by Eoin at the assembly....

We ended the assembly today with a song created by Sharon Pine's third graders, who participated in a song writing residency a few months back. Vermont is STRONG!