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Tuesday, January 24, 2012

Procedural Writing

Our first grade students have been immersed in reading and writing procedural (often called how-to) pieces of writing over the last week.  This unit of study introduces students to informational text writing and is preparing them for a unit on writing animal reports. We have been reading a variety of informational texts on how to complete a certain task.  Last week, we completed a shared writing as a class on how to do morning meeting sharing. We've read about how to feed fish, how to brush our teeth, how to get ready for the day, how to ride a bike, etc. We've explored a variety of topics that would be good to write about - those that we know a lot about and can actually teach a friend to do by reading them specific instructions.  Through this writing, students are learning how to use transition words (First, Second, Next, After, Finally, etc) to help make our writing more smooth.  INQUIRE with your child what they plan to write about.