Class Picture

Class Picture

Wednesday, June 1, 2011

Plant Life Cycle

My class has started learning about another important part to our planet....plants!  We are not only learning the importance of them to people and animals who live on Earth, but also about their life cycle.  We are looking at what stages plants go through during their life, what each plant is made up of and the role each part plays, and the idea that they are living and need certain environmental factors present in order to grow.

We looked closely at a bean seed, noticing the seed coat that is protecting the embryo inside.  We asked ourselves many questions about the dormant seed and made predictions about how long it would take to germinate.  To see this process, we wrapped bean seeds in a moist paper towel and placed them in a plastic bag in the window. We hope to observe the process of germination and watch the seedling develop.  We started documenting our observations in our plant journals.

This afternoon we also looked closely at sunflower seeds.  We planted these seeds in soil and will transfer them to the school gardens at harrison field.  We also planted one to bring home!