Optional Independent Project
As a class, we enjoyed learning about new insects and hearing friends share their learning through the insect projects you completed at home! There was so much creativity and effort put into each project. Thank you for your support!
We have launched a new social studies unit about community. Students have been discussing class community, school community, and have begun to visit various places in our Montpelier community. Throughout this year long unit, students will be exploring who lives and works in their community, how people take care of themselves, and what people need to meet their needs in a community.
We have started to travel to different places in our community and throughout the year will visit a few more. This home connection project will give students an opportunity to explore their own special place in the community. This project is also optional and can be done as a family or individual.
Here is what we would like to have included in the final project. Your child can present it any way they would like, but we would like to see students demonstrate these components:
1.) Choose a place in Montpelier (State House, Sarducci’s, Hubbard Park, etc.)
2.) Make a model of the place (clay, playdough, legos, paper, cloth, foam, etc.).
3.) Label the place (name).
4.) Have at least one real photograph of the place (magazine, internet, own photograph).
5.) What happens at the place?
7.) Where is the place?
8.) Include some interesting facts about your special place in the community.
9.) Use your imagination and have fun!
If you have any questions about this project, please send us an email!
Have Fun!
The First Grade Team
**Please note that projects are due by November 30th, but if finished sooner, please send it in.