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Monday, September 11, 2017

First Grade Birthday Breakfast Information

First Grade Birthday Breakfast Information & Sign Up

Birthdays are a time for celebration!  We have the tradition of having ‘birthday breakfast’ once a month in first grade classrooms to meet the expectations outlined in our school handbook which state:

Sweet treats such as candies, cupcakes, brownies and chocolate chip cookies have little nutritional value and should not be sent to school.

Consider visiting or sending in fun activities and games to celebrate special occasions at school rather than food.

When foods not meeting these expectations are sent to school by parents for celebrations, the foods will not be returned but a copy of this guideline will be sent home as a reminder.

We welcome families to join us for this celebration - regardless of whether your child’s birthday falls on that month! We encourage all families to join us in a morning meeting when we will sing a birthday song, and enjoy a special breakfast as a whole group.  

Each month, we will need your help to make the birthday breakfast a success. We ask families to supply a special healthy breakfast treat, and suggest planning ahead by signing up in advance.  Breakfast ideas range from juice, muffins, bread, cheese and crackers, fruit salad, veggie and dip, fruit kabobs, yogurt parfait, granola, etc.  All breakfast items need to be nut-free so please read the labels carefully.

Even if you are not able to attend, you can contribute to the breakfast.  If you are not bringing a birthday treat, we welcome you to join as well! This is a great chance for you to join your child’s class and celebrate with the whole class community.  Please sign up for a date or a few dates that work for you and your family to bring a breakfast item to school.  I will send out an email reminder the week prior to our breakfast as well to help coordinate items and participation.

In addition to birthday breakfast, some families choose to send in a healthy snack on the child’s actual birthday.  Other families choose to donate a book in their child’s name to the classroom.  Any of these options is fine. It is helpful to communicate with me prior to this.

If you have any questions, feel free to ask! A sign up form went home last week. If you can sign up in advance, thank you.
Birthday Breakfast Dates
8:30-9:00 am

September 29 October 27 November 17

January 26                         March 30 April 27

June 8 (June and summer birthdays)