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Class Picture

Thursday, October 13, 2016

ECHO Field Trip - Friday, October 21st

ECHO.jpgOn Friday, October 21st, all first grade classes will visit ECHO Aquarium and Science Center in Burlington, Vermont. The science center provides many hands on exhibits for students to explore, and also integrates with our studies of plants and animals this year. For more information about the science center, see this link:
On the day of the field trip, students will arrive at school at the regular time and will board buses for departure by 8:45. Students and chaperones should bring their own lunches and plan to picnic on the trip. We will return to school for regular dismissal time.
The cost for buses and admission fees for students are covered by the first grade field trip budget. Parent volunteers are needed to chaperone children in small groups. Parents will need to purchase their own admission which is $8.50 per adult (please let us know if you need help with this fee).We need this payment ( in cash) returned with the permission slip. Parent chaperones will need to drive and meet us at ECHO at 9:45 A.M. Carpooling is encouraged!
Please return the confirmation and permission slip that was sent home, and let us know if you would like to chaperone. Please include your chaperone fee (cash only, please) as well.
We would also like your help in planning for lunches. Please make sure to let us know if your child would like bag lunches from the school. We need to order these in advance.
Thank you for your help. Please return by Friday, October 14th.