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Class Picture

Tuesday, March 22, 2016

Number Corner

This month's calendar has been focusing on time and money. Students are learning to tell time by both the hour and half hour. Encourage your child to tell you what time it is when you are doing certain things - help them see the difference between am and pm.  For example, distiguish between getting ready for school and 6:30am and eating dinner at 6:30 pm. This concept is often difficult for the children to learn - an entire day - 24 hours is a lot more than you think!

Students are also learning how to add coins - by adding groups of 10's, 5's, and 1's.  Next time you have change jingling around your pockets, take it out and challenge your child to add it up! 

We continue to look at place value when adding days in school and are well beyond 100!  Looks like we're somewhere around Day 127 (we may have skipped some). Getting so close to 2nd grade....