Class Picture

Class Picture

Friday, June 5, 2015

Montshire Field Trip Information

Monday, June 15th
*Arrive to school at 8:00 - bring your child directly to the classroom.

*Bring a snack (no snack program today) and bagged lunch (no glass containers please) and a water bottle in a backpack.
*Wear comfortable walking shoes for the trails, Woodland Garden, and planet walk.

*Apply sunscreen before arriving at school. Pack extra lotion in backpack.

*Wear a swimsuit under your clothes.

*Bring a change of clothes, and a towel for the water exhibits in Park.

*Bring a plastic bag for wet bathing suit.

PLEASE DO NOT SEND $ for the gift shop or to purchase food at the Museum - we will not be going!

Chaperone Information

Arrival: Please meet us at the bus at 9:30 A.M.

Departure: Please meet us at the bus at 1:20 P.M.

Carpool with other chaperones if possible

Familiarize yourself with Montshire Museum

INQUIRE with the students in your group what they learn, discover, and encourage the scientific focus of the year - questioning! Allow the children to explore, discover, and wonder about the exhibits.

STAY with your group the whole time as you explore the grounds

Visit the trails first, then the indoor exhibits, and water park at the end

Other visitors and exhibits need to be treated with respect. Help children remember this and encourage taking turns, walking while inside, and appropriate C.A.R.E.S. Behavior

Choose a good time to eat lunch for your group - the Hughes Pavilion provides a covered eating area outside. Do NOT eat in the indoor exhibit areas!

Directions: The Montshire is conveniently located just off Interstate 91 at Exit 13 (look for the “Museum of Science” signs) in Norwich, Vermont, five miles north of White River Junction. The Museum is directly across the Connecticut River from Hanover, New Hampshire, home of Dartmouth College.