Class Picture

Class Picture

Friday, November 11, 2011


What's a better way to celebrate 11/11/11 than having 11 center time choices all revolving around the number 11!  Throughout the day, students participated in many different movement breaks involving the number 11, read for 11 SILENT minutes, and enjoyed an extended "choice time."  During the choice time, students explored number combinations for the number 11, made pictures with 11 stickers, wrote 11 thank you cards, particpated in a scavenger hunt to find the number 11 - 11 times, and many others. As a finale, we proposed the challenge of dancing to a song with 11 moves. We turned on our favorite, "kids just wanna have fun" and danced the afternoon away.  Mr. Bradley must have heard the music and laughter from afar as he joined us for 11 moves!