Class Picture

Class Picture

Friday, March 18, 2011

We are THANKFUL for the SUN!

What a fantastic day outside! The sun shined down on us and our friends spotted many different signs of spring on our travels up to Hubbard Park.  Using our five senses, we found sit spots in the forest.  A sit spot is a place in the woods where we can designate as our own, going back to week after week.  Friends were encouraged to find a place that was comfortable to them, against a tree, rock, or near something that they found intriguing or beautiful.  We practiced fox walking and using our owl eyes as we moved toward the sit spots. We took notice of the sounds we heard while sitting in our spots and took notice of what we saw.  All of the boys and girls used creativity upon finding their sit spots and built walls or decorated their spots with an assortment of materials from nature.  We look forward to drawing maps and diagrams of our sit spots, describing them to our classmates, and sharing stories with everyone in class next week!