Class Picture

Class Picture

Tuesday, November 16, 2010


Mrs. Scudder-Chase is the Music Teacher at Union Elementary. She works with the children twice a week for 20 minute blocks. Here is an update on what the focus in Music has been so far this year.

"The Kindergarteners have been working on discovering and using their singing voices through echo singing using movable "do" and singing seasonal and fun songs. They have also been working on echo clapping simple rhythmic patterns. They have begun to learn how to take simple rhythmic notation (quarter and eighth notes). They have also been working on their listening skills through creative movement: identifying fast and slow tempos, loud and soft dynamics and soli and full ensemble, while listening to music from Vivaldi (Four Seasons), Haydn (Surprise Symphony) and Rossini (William Tell). Most recently, the Kindergarteners have begun to identify and learn how to play simple percussive instruments while learning how to keep a steady beat. They will continue to work on these skills, beginning to build a foundation of knowledge of musical elements and awareness through singing, dancing, listening, creative movement and playing instruments as well as learning to follow directions and work together."