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Class Picture

Friday, September 24, 2010

How full is your bucket?

On Thursday, we read the book, Have You Filled a Bucket Today?  The book encourages positive behavior by modeling the daily importance of kindness, appreciation, and love.  The metaphors of bucket filling and bucket dipping are used to help us understand the effects of our behavior on ourselves and others.  The book explains that we all have an invisible bucket that is constantly being emptied or filled.  When friends do kind things for us, it fills our bucket, and we feel great.  When friends do hurtful things to us, our bucket is dipped into and we feel awful.  The book also talks about the idea that we all have an invisible dipper because when we use that dipper to fill other people's buckets, we also fill our own bucket.  We want each of our buckets to be filled during the day in Room 12.  Every time the contents of our buckets grow, we become happier, more optimistic, and and feel good about ourselves.  Throughout the day, we looked for instances of times our buckets were either filled or dipped into.