November is just about over and so are 57 school days. These school days have been filled with curiousity, creativity, learning, and laughter. Students have been keeping track of each day in school this year and counting them each day. INQUIRE with your child how they count how many days in school. I encourage students to think of a variety of ways to solve problems - not just one. Just as we can count these links by 1's we can also count by 10's and 1's. Today, children decided to count by 10's to 60, then subtract 3! What clever mathematicians we have!
Class Picture

Thursday, November 29, 2012
Number Corner
November is just about over and so are 57 school days. These school days have been filled with curiousity, creativity, learning, and laughter. Students have been keeping track of each day in school this year and counting them each day. INQUIRE with your child how they count how many days in school. I encourage students to think of a variety of ways to solve problems - not just one. Just as we can count these links by 1's we can also count by 10's and 1's. Today, children decided to count by 10's to 60, then subtract 3! What clever mathematicians we have!