What do animals do in the winter? This week, students are exploring this question through read alouds, songs, and discussions. The children have been looking at how animals in Vermont either migrate, hibernate, or stay active throughout the cold winter months. As the snow falls this week, children are not only thinking about how they are taking care of themselves but also looking at what animals are doing to get ready for winter. Most of the children are extending their learning during "work on writing" time - a component of our Daily 5 time. During this time, children work on their choice of writing genre and their choice of topic. Throughout the last few weeks, students have been learning about different kinds of writing and have learned that writers make lists, make posters, write letters, write true information and facts they know, tell stories, write fantasy, and much more. As I conferenced with a few students today during this time and noticed the range of writing being done - but interesting enough - most of the writing was about Vermont Animals and getting ready for winter!